How does your sleep position affect your health? Here are considerations for maximizing your sleep...
Read MoreYellow Status: Due to the positivity rates of respiratory viruses in the area, masks are required for staff and strongly encouraged for patients and visitors in high-risk clinical areas at Inspira Health facilities as of 1/8/25.
Sleep is important to your overall health. If you can’t fall and stay asleep, it can impact your quality of life and ability to do everyday tasks.
Insomnia is a complex sleep disorder that can impact your ability to fall or stay asleep. Most adults will experience acute (short-term) insomnia at some point in their lives, typically as a result of stress or trauma. Chronic (long-term) insomnia is a deeper issue often requiring medical intervention. Without treatment, insomnia can lead to other health complications or chronic diseases.
Insomnia is primarily characterized by a struggle to fall or stay asleep. Lack of quality sleep can lead to secondary symptoms, which can worsen over time. Telltale signs of insomnia include:
Insomnia can occur for a number of reasons, and your doctor will need to understand your personal medical history, current medications and lifestyle habits to identify an underlying cause. In some cases, you may be sent in for a sleep study to rule out other sleep disorders. A polysomnogram, or sleep study, is a comprehensive test that transmits and records specific physical activities while you sleep, such as your heart rate, brain activity, eye movement and oxygen levels, through a series of electronic sensors placed on your legs, head and chest.
To improve sleep habits and treat insomnia, your doctor may recommend treatment options such as:
Cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBT-I) can help you manage the anxious thoughts that keep you awake.
There are a variety of medications that can help you fall asleep and stay asleep throughout the night.
Losing sleep can lead to mental fog and daytime drowsiness as well as put you at risk for long-term chronic diseases, such as heart disease, diabetes, depression and obesity. At Inspira, we understand that getting a good night’s sleep is about more than just rest—it’s about staying well and living a longer, healthier life.
Inspira’s team of skilled, licensed polysomnographers and sleep specialists can help you identify the cause of your insomnia and determine the best treatment plan for your lifestyle. Our five South Jersey sleep center locations offer advanced technology in a calm environment, and our holistic approach to testing and screening means we can meet every patient’s unique needs. There’s no need to travel outside your community to receive exceptional care, all in one place—from sleep medicine consultations and studies to cognitive behavioral therapy and medication counseling.
Our sleep specialists treat patients around South Jersey from state-of-the-art facilities.
How does your sleep position affect your health? Here are considerations for maximizing your sleep...
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Catching Zs is essential for a happy, healthy lifestyle, but many of us have experienced sleep...
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There’s no wrong time to exercise, but there are different benefits for men and women, depending on...
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