Finding a Path to Healing
Hello, and welcome to another installment of Provider Inspiration.
Gun violence and the issues causing this violence have devastated our nation for too long—especially violence against diverse communities. Violence is a disease taking the lives of innocent people in places that previously were not dangerous, like grocery stores and FedEx distribution centers. These issues are important to Inspira because they impact the people we care for in our community. For example, according to the annual review of county specific data, violence has been identified as a governing variable in the health outcome of patients in the counties we serve. If we allow violence to continue to spread, we will become desensitized to its impact and let it become a devastating part of our fabric. And we cannot let this happen. We can no longer be silent.
What happens outside our walls impacts the emotional and physical well-being of our patients and our ability as an organization to provide comprehensive care. Conversations about gun violence, race, ethnicity, food insecurity and access to education are not political issues—they are social determinants of health issues. The more we discuss these power differences, the better equipped we will be to create the programs our community needs and act as the ally it deserves.
Speaking up for safety means acting as a resource for patients, especially those fearful of COVID-19 vaccines. To date, over 6 million COVID-19 vaccines have been administered in New Jersey. As we remain focused on confirming additional vaccine appointments, Inspira continues to meet new milestones. In this issue, I am excited to highlight our efforts in expanding behavioral telehealth services, introducing new treatments for end-stage emphysema patients, encouraging patients to take back their fitness goals, protecting at-risk populations against COVID-19 and promoting proper hand hygiene.
The most important conversations are often the most difficult to have—yet the greatest change occurs when we step out of our comfort zones and choose to challenge ourselves. We may not have the proper tools and language we need to initiate and navigate challenging discussions, but we will never find these solutions if we refuse to start talking.
At Inspira, we are committed to creating a community in which providers can thrive and deliver high-quality care. Even if we don’t have all the answers, we can start with asking the right questions. So let’s keep talking. Keep the dialogue going and together, we can find a path to healing.
As always, my door is open.
Stay safe and be well,
Amy Mansue
President and CEO