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Connect Messenger Replaces Practice Unite

Connect Messenger Replaces Practice Unite

May 21, 2021

The Exclusive Clinical Communication Tool at Inspira Mullica Hill

Connect Replaces Practice Unite

Quick Facts for Mullica Hill:

  • Connect Messenger will be replacing Practice Unite as the primary tool for clinical communication. This is a network-wide project. Mullica Hill was the first site to end use of Practice Unite on May 1, 2021. This change will go into effect on June 14, 2021 at Inspira Medical Centers Vineland and Elmer.
  • Mullica Hill staff have been utilizing the Connect Messenger App on shared devices since December 2019.
  • BYOD = Bring Your Own Device. Providers will have the ability to download the application on their personal device.
  • This initiative is designed to expand upon and improve Care Team communication and support patient care across the continuum.

What This Means for You

As of May 1, 2021, stop using Practice Unite and use only Connect Messenger for secure clinical communication.

If you have no experience using Connect Messenger via the Shared Hospital Devices or the Desktop App, please contact

Using the App on Your Own Device

Are you a provider interested in using this app on your own device? Click here to complete a brief training and request your unique access code.