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Comprehensive heart care, right in south Jersey

Comprehensive heart care, right in south Jersey

Apr 9, 2020

By John DiAngelo, Inspira Health President and CEO


John DiAngelo

Look both ways before crossing the street. Wear a seatbelt. Be sure to get regular cancer screenings. Get plenty of sleep. These are all good tips to stay safe and healthy. But during Heart Month in February, I’m reminded that one of the best ways to stay safe and healthy is to be mindful of taking good care of our hearts.

Heart disease is the number one cause of death for both men and women in the U.S. More than 600,000 people die from heart disease each year.

Heart disease can affect anyone—even kids. It’s when plaque builds up in your arteries, narrowing them. Coronary artery disease is the most common type of heart disease, followed by heart attack.

Luckily, there are steps we can all take to avoid heart problems and improve our heart health. Eating a healthy diet and getting plenty of exercise can help prevent high blood pressure and high cholesterol, which are two risk factors for heart disease. Not smoking, or quitting tobacco if you do smoke, can also help you keep your ticker in shape. Working to prevent diabetes, maintaining a healthy weight and avoiding alcohol can also help.

Your health care providers can help you work to prevent heart problems and treat you quickly when problems do arise. Here at Inspira Health, we have partnered with Cooper University Health Care since 2018 to provide the best heart care to the residents of South Jersey. It’s called Cardiac Partners at Cooper and Inspira, and it gives you access to state-of-the-art treatment techniques and renowned cardiologists from both networks—to help you stay healthy.

Our goal is to provide patients in the South Jersey region with access to more coordinated and comprehensive cardiac services. The combination of our two systems’ heart services makes Cardiac Partners the largest cardiac program in South Jersey, with a network of more than 65 clinicians.

Cardiac Partners offers expertise for every part of heart care—from diagnosis to surgery to cardiac rehabilitation. Our physicians use minimally invasive techniques to lessen pain, recovery and rehabilitation time, so you can get back to your life. And teams of nurses help you each step of the way, answering questions and guiding you back to health.

Inspira medical centers in Vineland and Mullica Hill are certified by the American College of Cardiology Accreditation Services as Chest Pain Centers. This designation is proof of our commitment to evaluating and treating chest pain syndromes so that we can prevent more serious heart problems. In addition, all three Inspira Medical Centers have received the Beacon Award from the American Association of Critical-Care Nurses for excellence in critical care nursing, and Cooper has been recognized by the Society of Thoracic Surgeons for superior surgical outcomes.

No matter where you go within Cardiac Partners at Cooper and Inspira, know that you are getting excellent heart care. We’re proud to provide this comprehensive care, right in the heart of South Jersey.

Topics: Heart Health