Blue Hearts for Heroes
As health care workers around the world continue to put their own health at risk to treat patients during the COVID-19 pandemic, we continue to express our immense gratitude.
Join us in placing a blue heart – an icon that is simple and easy to make, yet clearly defined and recognizable – in your window as a way to express your gratitude for health care workers on the front line.
Be sure to take photos or videos of your blue hearts, and share on your social platforms using the hashtag #BlueHeartsForHeroes to recognize the bravery of front-line staff and their unwavering commitment to protecting the local community.
The heart can be made from anything – construction paper, tape, paint, scrubs – as long as it’s blue and in the shape of a heart.
Try adding our #BlueHeartsForHeroes frame to your Facebook Profile!
This is an unprecedented time not just in our community, but around the world.
Let’s unite in making the world a little bit brighter by sharing our gratitude for the dedication, tireless efforts and strength of the community on the front line.
Please remember: staying informed and taking basic precautions are your best defense against COVID-19.
Here are several resources offering the most up-to-date information and instructions to help lessen the risk around the community: